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Guru Gobind Singh called his beloved Khalsa his "Satiguru poora", his perfect True Guru. Guru ji performed the GurGaddi ceremony to them to pass on the guruship to the Guru Khalsa. Thus the Panth is Guru along with the Granth which was given guruship later.

So for this GurGaddi story we at SikhNet did our best to do justice to what Guru has bestowed upon us: We have two Gurus in perpetuity. Guru Panth, Guru Granth.

This animation (which is a double story) is a humble offering to the Panth. It is our sincere wish that children will absorb this utmost important of Guru's teaching.

A lot of research was done to make this story. It is important to do our best to give the youth the history as best we know it! For anyone interested in that process please read more details here: Recognizing the 12 forms of our Guru

Bless our generations to have understanding, humility and mastery, to merge with Guru Sahib.

Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa  Wahiguru ji ki Fateh

Harijot Singh Khalsa

Harijot Singh Khalsa

Harijot Singh is a graduate of Miri Piri Academy. He serves as creator of SikhNet Stories. He has also authored several research pieces on Sikh history as well as offered encouraging messages through his articles.

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