Perfect Moment of Pause

Today, humanity faces a unique adversity in form of global pandemic due to Covid 19. A tiny micro-organism is catalyst for a global change happening right now. Tall waves of changes are sweeping the ocean of humanity. Both our inner and external worlds are changing. Like any other change, uncertainty and unknown follow along. This change is meant to affect our thinking and outlook.

The external world in form of stock markets, job markets, economies and businesses are changing. I hope once our external world settles down, we will learn from it. I hope our future choices will be wiser. I hope there will be change in policies, global trade, supply chains, workplaces, corporate cultures that will not be as fragile to pandemics and other such crisis. I hope humanity will learn from this crisis to create a world order that supports inner well-being. I believe the world will evolve for a better tomorrow, if we as individuals raise our voices. We must see well-being of humanity take precedence over accumulation of power and social stature. We must see collective prosperity take precedence over personal gains. We must start fresh after this pause, otherwise we will step onto another painful pause as humanity. Individuals who are more conscious than others, have moral duty to be instrumental in influencing a better world of tomorrow.

Let us hold this vision and at also focus on this moment of social distancing, isolation and pause. Let us figure out how we can weather this change without losing hope, peace, clarity and inner strength.

Governments, along with other agencies,  healthcare workers, first responders, grocery store workers and pharmacists are doing their best. Let us be grateful for all the work being done. They are soldiers on front lines protecting us all.  On personal basis, let us follow all safety protocols to support our local, state, federal government and agencies. Let us be great full to the connected world we live in today. In today’s connected world, we shall focus on sharing positive information, and inspire each other by being at our best. Let us spread positivity, hope and uplift each other.


At this point, Let us switch gears by turning our attention inwards.

Changes in external world triggers uncertainty and unknown inside us. This in turn gives rise to worry and fear.  By now, we should be awake to the fact that all humans are same. We are afraid of change. We fear the unknown. We feel discomfort in times of uncertainties. Yet, we are all resilient. Hope, peace, clarity and inner strength is our backbone, without which we are broken. We must learn, share and inspire each other through this time of inner struggle. Let us explore what we can do to rise above the fire of uncertainty and unknown. Let us explore what provides us immunity from flames of worry from engulfing our inner world.


This is perfect moment of pause, for us to reflect, rejuvenate and reinvent ourselves as individuals. This moment has united all humanity. This moment of isolation is an opportunity to get in touch with ourselves. Let us embrace the change, social distancing and isolation to get closer to truth. Let us find our way back to life.  Let us explore truth about life through these two statements.

Statement 1: My external world in form of my job or business, my house, my amenities, my social status and my financial assets is my life.

Statement 2: My inner world in form of my mental well-being is my life. Mental well-being refers to a mind free of worries and fears, a mind filled with Hope, peace, clarity and inner strength through all sorts of adversities

The first statement proclaims that external world is life. This statement might seem true to many of us, because we are conditioned and unaware of this conditioning. Endorsement of this statement means; I believe part of tree above ground is all that is to the tree. I am oblivion to the roots of tree, which is essence of the tree that I see above the ground. I consider what is because of life to be the life. I am looking at things upside down. It can be said, I am separated from truth. My separation from truth is like a tree separated from its roots. A tree that cannot sustain through changing seasons and is meant to perish soon.

The second statement points to essence of my existence, my life, which is roots of the tree. The roots of the tree in form of my hope, my peace, my clarity and my inner strength is essence of my external world. All the things of external world are from my life, but not my life. All the things of external world rise and fall, expand and contract, constantly fluctuate, change continuously. Thus are things of the external world are impermanent. If I am aware of unstable nature of external world, my anchor will not be external world as it can disrupt my inner self, which is my life. I do not anchor my life to the external world, because anchoring to my external world makes me feel insecure, weak and fearful. When I anchor myself to my life in form of hope, my peace, my clarity and my inner strength, I am alive, I am not perturbed by changing external world. If roots of tree are healthy the tree without fear gives up leaves and fruits in fall season. When I know the truth of my existence, I am like a deep-rooted tree that gives up in fall season without losing Hope, peace, clarity and inner strength. As life, in this moment of external crisis, I remain uplifted as I accept my depreciating external world.

We are whatever is in our awareness. Whatever we focus our attention on enters our awareness. Let us focus on what nourishes our roots, our life. Let us focus on truth. The truth is we are one life. Due to our varying external worlds, we think we have different lives. We are like branches, leaves, flowers and fruits of one tree of life. We might appear different but our roots are same. Our life is one. Life is an eternal phenomenon in which we appear and disappear likes the tree above ground. We need to realize true nature of our existence and embrace truth by holding truth in our attention. We need to  look at the external world through eyes of truth. We should not compromise our well-being, by instilling worry and fear in our inner world by riveting our attention to the external world.

Let us anchor our attention to truth and opportunities will sprout from it. Let us be aware, but not anchor our attention to the external world. Let us consciously shift our attention away from what makes us unstable. Let us remember we are meant to bloom into flower of life filled with hope, peace, clarity and inner strength. Change in external world is catalyst for inner transformation, for us to bloom as life. Let us be grateful of what we have. Let us raise ourselves by raising our awareness by anchoring our attention to truth.

The truth is we are one. The truth is all the things of external world are from my life, but not my life, My inner world in form of my mental well-being is my life. The truth is Hope, peace, clarity and inner strength are my assets that do not depreciate like my external world.

Let me share what is working for me as I anchor myself to truth to see opportunity in adversity.

  1. Through adversity, I am reminded of law of nature that no season of external world is permanent.
  2. Through adversity, I am reminded of law of nature that anchoring to external world creates fear and worry inside me.
  3. Through adversity, I am reminded, that I am a deep-rooted tree, I weather changing season with grace, inspiring others at the same time.
  4. Through adversity, I am reminded that hope, peace, clarity and inner strength is life. My life remains intact anchored to truth
  5. Through adversity, I am reminded, that my outward world will bloom again whereby all that I lost during fall season will grow back.
  6. Through adversity, I am reminded to remain committed to my physical and mental well-being.

I wish you all Hope, peace, clarity and inner strength.

Listen to his latest podcast:
Diary of Human Warrior
Perfect Moment of Pause

Bhupinder Singh

Bhupinder Singh

I coach leaders who are striving for prosperity in form of physical and mental wellness along with spiritual growth rooted in principles of Gurbani.

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