Most human are only aware of their physical dimension. Let us call this first dimension. Majority of humans live in physical dimension and see the world as physical world with a shape, form and size. Charity is considered giving of physical things, including money to the needy. Physical charity is instrumental in physical well-being of humanity and much needed all the time.

You are involuntarily participating in another charity, irrespective of your social status or material wealth. You add value to existence of humans on earth through this silent charity.

We humans also exist in many other dimensions of the mind. The most relevant dimension to this post is your existence in dimension called "thoughts". Thoughts that you dwell in day and night. Let us call thoughts as second dimension of existence.

Your thoughts determines who are you, whereas your physical existence determines what you are.

If you believe you can hide your thoughts, you are gravely mistaken. Your thoughts are silently shared with rest of the world. There are two types of thoughts. Thoughts that have manifested and thoughts that have not manifested yet.

1. Manifested thoughts

The first category of thoughts are the ones that manifest as words, actions and habits that are visible to others. Thoughts are the seeds that over time will grow into plants that bear either sweet fruits, fragrant flowers or thorns and bitters fruits. Seeds germinate under right conditions, to form a plant. Forming of a plant from a seed is an autonomous process. So is the process of your thoughts manifesting as you beyond your physical existence is autonomous. You might be the mightiest (what are you) human on planet earth, yet without right thoughts (who you are) you might be the weakest, pathetic, miserable human on earth. Without right thoughts, your presence might not be enough to attract and engage others. Therefore you rely on physical things of the first dimension to make your presence felt.

Carefully choose what you plant in your mind in form of thoughts, as through your words, actions and habits you add value to this world.

2. Non-Manifested thoughts

What about the thoughts that have not turned into actions yet? Are these thoughts harmful to anyone?

The universe is composed of five primary elements that makes up everything including human beings. These five elements are earth, water, fire, air or wind and aether or void. Aether that appears as empty space we see all around us and exists in rest of the universe is actually reservoir of abundant energy including thoughts that either pass through your or get stored in you.

Energy has no language, so do thoughts. There is unsurmountable exchange and transformation of energy in the creation, including between humans. Energy in form of thoughts is exchanged between human minds, whether one is sleeping, awake or doing something. This silent communication without a language is beyond the bandwidth of first dimension - physical dimension. Physical body is merely a means to survive, whereas each human strives to evolve. Evolution is innate nature of humans. Evolution is plausible due to human existence in second dimension. The first dimension is an extension of second dimension of human. What you transmit and what you decide to retain in form of thoughts, determines your value in evolution of humans on planet earth.

Charity (120K)

The more you fill this space called aether with thoughts of peace, love and gratitude. The more you will see the same in the world around you. Be of value to evolution of human mind and increase the likely hood of a transformation in self and others by offering priceless and timeless charity of your thoughts.

Involuntarily, Silent charity of thoughts does not require your permission; be of value as human on planet earth.

~ [email protected]

Bhupinder Singh

Bhupinder Singh

I coach leaders who are striving for prosperity in form of physical and mental wellness along with spiritual growth rooted in principles of Gurbani.

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