Songs of Sikhism

When Will I Walk on the Cold Marble Again?
By S.S. Guru Das Singh Khalsa

When will I walk on the cold marble again?
When will I feel the golden light in my eyes?
Bathe in the holy waters. Dress your altar with flowers.
When will I walk on the cold marble again?

The silence of death has killed the song so ageless,
The turning of the pages, the prayers of the pure.
The waters turn red, the sky above has darkened.
Amidst these walls of silence, our prayers can be heard.

The Earth cries in pain, her heart has been broken,
Her sons have been stolen, imprisoned, and slain.
And those who remain, there spirit grows stronger.
They suffer no longer, sheltered in the Name.

We shall rise again, in the grace and strength together.
We'll sing our song forever, and righteousness will reign.
The banner of the Name will wave in the skies of glory.
As time will write our story, we will sing "never again."

Soon we will walk on the cold marble a again.
Soon we will feel the golden light in our eyes.
Bath in the holy waters. Dress your altar with flowers.
Soon we will walk on the cold marble again.

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