
Can you briefly describe the work of Langar Caracas? 

Langar Caracas was born in 2018 to serve free vegetarian meals. We started distributing vegetarian food during the social crisis in Venezuela, the place where we distributed was called Candelaria Park. After seeing the positive response from those who received the food, we decided to continue. 

We are currently distributing once a month (last Saturday of the month) and we have 4-12 volunteers. We take turns cooking in our own in-house kitchens. This seva is 100% financed by Sevadars and we have also received donations. 

Lately, we have been distributing meals at the JM de los Ríos Hospital: children, mothers and employees enjoy our meals. Last December we collected 150 toys to give to the children of the hospital! 

Can you offer advice and inspiration to those who might like to start a similar project, but feel overwhelmed?

The most important thing is the intention when doing Seva to put your heart into it – this gives you direction.

It is critical to have strong will power, to feel the strength that comes from the Soul, which drives the community to serve. Meal planning for langar efforts, Trust in the universe to provide and being flexible with your Seva efforts all help! 

Can you share five tips with our global audience on how to start a similar project in their communities?

  • Flexible planning 
  • Trust God’s magic 
  • Inventory organization 
  • Coordination  
  • Constant prayer during cooking and when delivering food (chanting mantras for protection) 

Do you encounter any challenges in running this program? How do you overcome them?

Yes. In 2019 we had no electricity or water for a week. We were unable to communicate with Sevadars, so those who were able to,  carried large bottles of water that we sterilized ourselves. The food turned out to be delicious! 

In another situation, the power went out while cooking – we lit candles and just continued cooking! 

Can you share a high moment that you experience when doing this Seva?

It fills us with love and gratitude when people tell us that we feed not only their bodies, but also their souls. 

Do you draw inspiration from Sikh Dharma when doing Seva?

Our inspiration is Guru Ram Das, which is why chanting Kirtan is so important during food preparation and delivery. 

Do you have any last words for our readers? 

Seva is something you have to experience and live. When you do, you feel merged with God and the Universe. It is a soul connection to the other – when you serve, everything serves you.  When you count on the other, you see yourself in the other.


Chand Kirpal Kaur – Founder of Langar Caracas, Venezuela


Phone: +58 416-5378329
Email: [email protected]

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