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ColorsRajasthan (13K)

Colors of Rajasthan
PostedAug26 (5K)

Through flush of colors, the Creator makes his presence felt in the Creation.

It requires an elevated sense of realization to understand that the use of vibrant colors by mortals, is their unaware expression of the search for the ever elusive Master. But the worldly colors are transitionary, like the temporary dye shades created from the extract of Safflower, unlike the permanent color of love for the Creator himself, that can only be experienced through a detached appreciation of the Creation.

At Rajasthan in India, observing the bright energy emanating through vibrant clothing, I was reminded of a verse from the Sikh scripture by Ravidas, the 14th century spiritualist, a cobbler by profession, discriminated by the high society due to his birth and economic status.

“Jaisaa Rang Kasunbh Kaa Taisaa Eihu Sansar
Mere Ramaiye Rang Majeeth Kaa Kaho
Ravidas Chamar”

 Ravidas on page 346 of Adi Granth

Translated the entire verse reads,

The colors of the world are pale and temporary,
like dye extracts created from Safflower
Says the untouchable Ravidas,

the permanence of color of love for the Creator
is like the ever lasting dye extract from the
Madder plant.

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Colors of Rajasthan, India

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Colors of Rajasthan, India

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Colors of Rajasthan, India

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Colors of Rajasthan, India

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Colors of Rajasthan, India

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Colors of Rajasthan, India

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