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Over 600,000 attend consecration of Oneness Temple

22 April - Chennai/Hyderabad  - The Consecration Ceremony of the Oneness Temple took place on the 22nd of April, 2008, with celebrations spread over several days.

If you were to take all the times you have successfully meditated in your life and concentrated them into one location (all at one moment in time) and then run the power of such a meditation for the continuous length of eternity, you would then begin to understand the construction of this multi-level temple of vibratory consistency—known here in the South of India as The Oneness Temple.


We are here for the consecration of this Oneness Temple on the full moon of April 2008 with over one million devotees of higher consciousness coming for this event over five days.

It is at the "42-acre UniverCity," 80 km north of Chennai. Oneness UniverCity is a spiritual organisation focused on enlightenment and aimed at human beings' relief from inherent suffering.

The week-long event of devotion and love aims at relieving human beings from inherent suffering. "Our mission is to create a set of universally tolerant human beings whose re-engineered consciousness would accord form, structure, destiny and direction to today's world, thereby awakening man to oneness, resulting in individual and global transformation," Acharya Samdarshinini, the spokesperson of the organisation, told reporters immediately after the inauguration.

Founded by Sri Amma and Sri Bhagwan in 2002 on the outskirts of Chennai, the UniverCity houses a temple whose centrepiece is a "Golden Ball of Divine Grace", which is designed to create a series of neurobiological changes in the human brain creating higher levels of consciousness.

The organisation has millions of followers in India as well as across the world and a full-fledged university in Fiji.

"The Doors to Oneness" is a seven-day process through an eight-fold path that leads believers into an awakened state by ending suffering and generating faith, joy, rapture, calm, bliss and concentration that finally results in the experience of the ultimate reality," an earlier press release added. 

The founders of the Oneness University - Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma - believe the solution to humanity's suffering can only be found through each individual being elevated to a state of causeless love and limitless joy. To transfer her/him into an awakened state of Oneness.

This is being done through the transfer of the Oneness Blessing, wherein the Divine reaches out to humankind to dissolve the illusion of separateness. Each day this Divine energy is being transferred to individuals around the globe and millions of people are awakening to the Grace of Oneness.

On the consecration day, yesterday all of the plans to channel the throngs broke apart as the expected 120 thousand per day swelled to 500 or 600 thousand by noon and over a million still en-route for Wednesday. The shade covered waiting lines broke apart, 150,000 water bottles ran out and many of the people in the 100 degree heat, once they actually entered the shade of the Oneness Temple, would not or could not leave.

The Temple was been officially consecrated in a smaller (1,000 people) ceremony the night before and the morning blessings which we all attended, but the extended seven day event has been postponed until the logistics can be worked out with proper capacities in place.

The single most outstanding reality of the entire day was that not even the slightest hint of violence occured - only the overwhelming enthusiasm of a massive crowd looking for solutions to life in a dominant global civilization that holds up very few.

It was no different than the Americas, Europe, Asia, or Africa where most everyone is seeking to become uplifted to their pure potential.

It was a powerful experience in so many ways.

- By Guru Singh Khalsa (and multiple news reports)

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