TakhatSriPatnaSahib (67K)

In faith histories, folklore, and legends - recorded, verbally transferred, or popularized by succeeding generations, we come across no greater example, nor testimony of humility as exemplified by Guru Gobind Singh. Humility has been a cherished virtue in faith traditions. In Guru Gobind Singh, other nine Sikh Gurus, Sri Guru Granth Sahib, and countless devout followers of the faiths, we find the virtue of humility elevated as an exalted Divine marker. Guru Gobind's life is an encyclopedia of faith lessons enshrined and lived as an everlasting testimony for all to witness in faith, awe, and reverence that such a radiant soul graced our world.

Through his writings, life and testimony, and contemporary scholars, we get a glimpse of Guru's mighty mission and his unmatched excellences. A rare 'Badshah-Durvesh,' Divine Messenger and Enlightened Teacher, Guru Gobind was, and continues to be, a brilliant guiding star in the spiritual galaxy. His universal message and prayers transcend cultures and generations; the Light reflected in his amazing hymns of Praise (Jaap Sahib) illumine the entire universe of faiths.

Guru Gobind jolted the masses of India to reject entrenched customs and practices that divided and enslaved people. Guru called upon the people to unite in the common cause of liberating and defending the honor, sanctity, and heritage of the Motherland from the menacing designs of foreign occupants, some against all civilized norms blatantly violated what the people of the land held sacred. The Guru challenged fellow citizens of all faiths and all segments of society:

  • Right the unpardonable wrongs against the Motherland and her people
  • Stem the blatant assaults on faiths and freedoms, individual liberty and rights
  • End the indignities, injustice, and unconscionable religious persecutions;
  • The reign of terror conspired and unleashed upon the law-abiding subjects;
  • The blind ambitions of powerful rulers and ruthless religious zealots
  • Organize in self-defense; safeguard national dignity, heritage, and traditions
  • As a sacred right and a divinely-blessed mandate

Guru Gobind understood the gravity and urgency of the moment and the need to uplift the crushing burdens and fears that devastated and demoralized the people, disturbed peace, wounded and frayed the societal moral order. To address this challenge, Guru Gobind created the Khalsa at the Baisakhi gathering in 1699 at Anandpur, as the God's Army of the Pure of heart and spirit, always ready to serve and sacrifice; to restore the legitimate rights of the defenseless; and fight against evil that terrorized the innocents. He baptized and transformed his followers into a fearless Brotherhood to fulfill the mission commanded by God as Guru Gobind himself related in his autobiography, Bachittar Natak, and faithfully pursued throughout his life:

  • To establish and safeguard Dharma and uproot evil
  • Reject all divisions of caste, creed, ethnicity, nationality, or gender
  • Give an honorable testimony to the teachings of Guru Nanak and his nine successors
  • Uphold cherished freedoms: life, liberty, sacred rights, and human dignity
  • Defend justice, promote peace, and extend goodwill towards all God's Children
  • Lead by example and a true compassion that transcends divisive barriers created by men
  • Reject trespassing differences and indifference that often separate man from God, each other
  • See God's Light in every living being, in His myriad manifestations, unfathomable Creation
  • Meditate (Naam-Simran) upon the Name of Almighty God; live and honor faith lessons
  • Serve without distinction; protect, preserve and be better angels to all Creation
  • Bring honor to our shared humanity and to God who knows and sees all things
  • Keep God always at the center of our lives and submit to His Will in humility and grace
  • Worship One God who is an embodiment of excellences we cannot fathom or imagine

YatraGroup (662K)

The world has been sliding ever deeper into darkness: confrontations, regional conflicts, racial and moral divides. Nations are engaged in a frantic race to build dangerous and deadly weapons that can create incredible devastation and have the awesome power to lead to mutual self-destruction. With exploding populations and human expectations, we are also witnessing fierce struggles for survival, unprecedented deterioration and rampage of our environment essential to sustain life; repeated incidents of unprovoked violence by the strong against the weak and defenseless; unconscionable assaults on cultures, faith, ethnic minorities, and sacred rights of others. We see before us moments of great uncertainty, formidable challenges, frightening conflicts and nightmares amidst the great advancements, unimagined abundance, marvels of science and technology; a time of increasing global interdependence, exchange, and cooperation. The life and brilliant legacy of the Great Guru offer us some valuable lessons:

  • Unite for causes greater than ourselves and abandon self-serving narrow interests
  • Build a world free of prejudice, violence, and basic wants
  • Shape a world anchored in peaceful coexistence and shared responsibility
  • Safeguard, preserve, and advance the collective good as a sovereign universal right
  • Envision a world where hopeful initiatives power and launch unlimited possibilities for all
  • Imagine a world where life, liberty, and inalienable human rights flourish in safety
  • Openness of spirit and peaceful pursuits guide our creative passions
  • Trust and thoughtful concern for others are a celebrated way of life
  • Everyone is assured and recognizes a fair stake in our advancement as a human family

The Great Guru Gobind proclaimed and exemplified: that when evil raises its ugly head or where it persists, devastating human spirit and causing unjust fear, hardships, death and destruction, then, taking a moral and courageous stand and ending such tyranny with appropriate force is an act of righteousness and a just course to redress such wrongs and grievous violations.

A timely stand in the face of formidable odds, defines true human character. Such courage has assured human survival, led to celebrated triumphs and advancements in the darkest events in human history; often dared us to leap across daunting thresholds just on faith, explore new frontiers, and find new shores in search of bigger dreams. Our innate and primordial urge to know and understand our universe has helped man to unravel fabled great mysteries, stirred generations to trail-blaze to unimagined new frontiers and excel in the Holla Mohallas of their times. Guru Gobind set down his own defining and legendary markers in courage, sacrifice, service, and truthful living. He was a spiritual king: a saint and a scholar, a teacher and an emancipator, a daring soldier and brilliant general, a champion of the honor and dignity of all God's Children. His vision and legacy is a living testimony of universally cherished ideals.

As a solemn commitment, we must create an environment and framework of fairness that dispels fear and ignorance that often threatens human progress and peace. For worthy outcomes: we must honor that which anchors our lives; build trust and understanding about ideas and ideals different from our own; affirm and deliver equal justice and opportunities without distinction.

We must not let our personal prejudice cloud our judgment, nor intrude upon our shared sacred space. We must bridge our differences; seek and promote common good and universal goodwill by our submission to Divine mandates and honoring faith lessons. We must together weave a tapestry where every treasured element of our humanity finds a friendly reception and every sacred panel of heritage enjoys a proud and rightful place in the magnificent composite mosaic.

We must discover, appreciate, and preserve the Divine threads that connect us and place us at frequent and unimagined crossroads; multiply our strengths and blessings by working in solidarity with others to find answers to critical concerns of our times. We must put our talents and imagination to the tasks that benefit the entire Creation, always remembering that above all, all good works are our gifts to humanity and to the Divine. Where such deep concern and spirit of universal goodwill exist, there also is manifest God's Light, ancient wisdoms, and blessings of all venerated Spiritual Mentors, enlightened souls, righteous braves and trailblazers to guide humanity forward to a more hopeful promise as a civilization and as a human family.

Sri Keshgarh Sahib - KP Singh (106K)

When we reflect upon the rare Light, enlightened vision, universal message, and life-testimony, meditate upon Guru Gobind Singh's hopes, prayers, righteous defiance and unparalleled sacrifice to the cause of justice, human dignity, and sacred freedoms, we stand awed by the dazzling persona, unmatched courage, and divine radiance of Guru Gobind Singh. Our heart and spirit surrender in reverence to what the timeless legacy of True King-Badshah Durvesh-Saint Soldier- Supreme Martyr's life means to our world and times; to our future, other cultures and nations.

KP Singh
Indianapolis, Indiana USA

Kanwal Prakash 'KP' Singh

Kanwal Prakash 'KP' Singh

KP participates in interfaith and humanitarian initiatives (Interfaith Hunger Initiative); activities and celebrations of diverse faiths and ethnic communities in Indiana.  KP assists with cultural training for Police Officers and TSA personnel; works with teachers, students, civic leaders to create a better understanding of Sikh and other faith traditions and contributions. KP advocates interfacing and mainstreaming ethnic talents, assets to benefit and serve all Americans.

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