Baltej Kaur Khalsa from Peru shares her personal story of Japji Sahib.

May 22, 2019: Many years ago, the wonderful technology of Kundalini Yoga came into my life, and with it, the recitation of Japji Sahib. I did not understand what it meant, however, the vibration that surrounded me was wonderful and very deep. It was recognizing my awakening soul; a sacred connection with my highest Self and a peace that I had not felt for a long time.

I started to recite Japji Sahib every day and that led me to experience with greater awareness my environment, my lifestyle, emotions and the world view that I had created over so many years. At that time, I did not know where I needed to go or what was the way to reach a state of tranquility in my soul. Then I decided to create a new life for myself and my family. The first step was to get up early every day and then to recite Japji Sahib for 40 days.

How would I be able to recite it without knowing the pronunciation or its meaning? A voice inside me told me: do it. Without focusing on my mind, I began to recite Japji at each sunrise during the Amrit Vela … How can I explain such an incredible experience? Every word, every vibration could show me my Divinity. Having this gift shared by Guru Nanak has been the best gift I could have in my life. It is a perfect tool that has allowed me to experience the Wisdom of God within me.

Recognizing that God and me, me and God are One, is to be aware that there is no separation and that everything is in your hands, which allows me with the greatest humility to bow before His Infinite Love, to give my life completely and become His greatest servant. To have the ability to bow before this Infinite Wisdom has been the direct result of Japji Sahib.

Sat Naam


Baltej Kaur Khalsa, Peru is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher (KRI) and a coordinator of Breathe in honor to Guru Ram Das in Peru and leader of teachers.

Baltej loves sharing the wisdom of Sikh Dharma from her own experience and radiant smile.

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