In Chinese medicine, the meridian system is energy paths in the human body through which life-energy flows. Different meridians have different psycho-emotional states associated with them.

The pericardium meridian has an important role in balancing the heart centre. Its main purpose is to is to work with the heart and control excessive energy in the heart. An unbalanced pericardium meridian may lead to cardiac and blood circulation problems.

Psychological states of the healthy pericardium meridian are relaxation, generosity, being in the present and “letting go of the past”.

Its negative attributes are jealousy, stubbornness, sexual tension, regret and remorse.

The pericardium is the fluid filled sac that surrounds and protects the heart. The actual meridian is known as the "king’s bodyguard." It protects the heart from damage and disruption by excessive emotional energies. Without the pericardium to protect the heart, the heart would be subject to injury from radical fluctuations in the energy caused by every emotional up and down of the day. That is why positive affirmations, thoughts and feelings are important to protect the heart. The primary positive feeling is deep gratitude.

Regret and remorse both affect the pericardium meridian negatively and imply holding on to the past. Regret is defined as "a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over an occurrence or something that one has done or failed to do." This feeling can make a person constantly relive the past and wish that they could have changed something or someone.

Remorse is defined as bitter regret. It originates from the Latin word mordere which means to bite again and again. In fact the feeling of remorse makes one relive the past event over and over and bring forth the feelings associated with it into the present time and allow those feelings and memories to constantly bite at us again and again – long after the event has passed. The past still causes pain as one has not let it go.

Being caught in the past and blaming others for problems leads to an imbalance in the pericardium meridian. The energy then becomes blocked in the head and the mind takes over. It becomes impossible to live in the present moment where the abundance of energy is available. Being in the present does not mean we repress the past and forget it, rather it means that we are aware of our karma created in the past and are able to face it and transmute it whilst being fully grounded in the present moment. Living in the Divine presence also means to be present with feelings and thoughts but not allow them to control your life in any way.

A balanced pericardium meridian will protect the psyche from absorbing harmful emotions and thoughts as long as we consciously choose to let go of regret and remorse.

Simaran Raam Ko Eik Naam
Kalamal Dhagadhh Hohi Khin Anthar Kott Dhaan Eisanaan
Aan Janjaar Brithhaa Sram Ghaalath Bin Har Fokatt Giaan
Janam Maran Sankatt Thae Shhoottai Jagadhees Bhajan Sukh Dhhiaan
Thaeree Saran Pooran Sukh Saagar Kar Kirapaa Dhaevahu Dhaan
Simar Simar Naanak Prabh Jeevai Binas Jaae Abhimaan  (Ang 1221)

“Meditate in remembrance on the Naam, the Name of the One Lord. In this way, the sinful residues of your past mistakes shall be burnt off in an instant. It is like giving millions in charity, and bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage. Entangled in other affairs, the mortal suffers uselessly in sorrow. Without the Lord, wisdom is useless. The mortal is freed of the anguish of death and birth, meditating and vibrating on the Blissful Lord of the Universe. I seek Your Sanctuary, O Perfect Lord, Ocean of Peace. Please be merciful, and bless me with this gift. Meditating, meditating in remembrance on God, Nanak lives; his egotistical pride has been eradicated.”

Meditating in remembrance on the Naam means to live in the awareness of Presence. Presence is the state of being where the mind does not consider the past or future but is focused on the present moment or task. It also means that one is present and aware of feelings and thoughts but does not allow them to control one’s life in any way. In this way, remorse and regret have no hold on the psyche and the old resentments and emotions are burnt off in an instant (literally as the pericardium is a fire meridian!)

Stubbornness is another aspect of the pericardium meridian. It suggests the idea of rigidity, hardness, inflexibility, refusing to bend, change and adjust. The opposite state is relaxation – a softer state. It is interesting to note that Constrictive pericarditis which is an inflammatory disease of the pericardium affects the heart area. The symptoms are sharp pain in the heart, breathlessness and pain around the neck and shoulders. This develops when a person has pericarditis so often or for so long that the pericardium has hardened, restricting the heart’s ability to function. It is almost as if one has hardened their own heart due to a difficult life of abuse or struggle and has had to "just get on with it." It is as if life has been, and is, "hard" or "a struggle." It may well have been so. We have all had this experience at one time or another, but when this pain becomes a physical symptom and starts to affect the heart then it is time to address some belief systems (as well as treating the physical body.) "I am relaxed" or "I am able to relax" is the affirmation here – and of course you must physically relax and slow down as well, otherwise the doctor will demand you to do so!

Another emotion of this meridian is jealousy. Jealousy arises out of selfishness and a sense of possession of the other person – hardly a compassionate relationship! Jealousy inflames the pericardium – literally! The positive emotion is generosity – the willingness to give or share. Most people give in order to receive something back. That is fine, if necessary, and if there is a karmic debt, but at times our spiritual journey will demand us to give generously to another without receiving anything in return. That is why Seva or selfless service is important. It nourishes the heart centre. We might feel a lack of some sort if we give without receiving but in actual fact it is a joy to give from the heart. True generosity is when we give to another from our heart and do not expect anything in return. We simply give for the pure joy of it (although it takes a while to reach this stage!) We know that we draw from the limitless pool of Divine energy and giving will never exhaust us – rather it will replenish us.

The pericardium helps regulate circulation in the major blood vessels that run in and out of the heart. The pericardium meridian also supplies energy to the adrenal and sexual glands and is closely tied to the kidney meridian. It regulates the energy of the kidneys with the all-embracing love generated by the heart. If the pericardium, heart and kidney meridians are balanced then one can experience a relationship based on divine love and compassion as opposed to a relationship based solely on sexual needs and lust.


I forgive and let go of the past.
I am present.
I live in the present moment.
I am protected.
I am generous.
Life is generous.
I am yielding
I am relaxed - my body is relaxed.
My sexual energy is grounded and balanced.

These affirmations balance the pericardium meridian and should be expressed with humbleness. If there is a difficulty or resistance in expressing them, then it is a good idea to look into the reasons why, or you may try writing the reasons in a journal or diary.

Start your sentences e.g. by writing -

I am stressed because…

I am stubborn because...

To be generous means to …

To be forgiving means …, etc.

By expressing and releasing your feelings and mindsets in this way you may find it is easier to say the affirmation afterwards.

Reciting Chaupai Sahib for protection is a beneficial way of balancing this meridian as this shabad offers protection and safety.

 Extract from Guru Granth Sahib

Bisar Gee Sabh Thaath Paraaee
Jab Thae Saadhhasangath Mohi Paaee
Naa Ko Bairee Nehee Bigaanaa Sagal Sang Ham Ko Ban Aaee
Jo Prabh Keeno So Bhal Maaniou Eaeh Sumath Saadhhoo Thae Paaee
Sabh Mehi Rav Rehiaa Prabh Eaekai Paekh Paekh Naanak Bigasaaee

I have totally forgotten my jealousy of others,
Since I found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
No one is my enemy, and no one is a stranger. I get along with everyone.
Whatever God does, I accept that as good. This is the sublime wisdom I have obtained from the Holy.
The One God is pervading in all. Gazing upon Him, beholding Him, Nanak blossoms forth in happiness. (ang 1299)

Dhadhaa Dhaathaa Eaek Hai Sabh Ko Dhaevanehaar
Dhaenadhae Thott N Aavee Aganath Bharae Bhanddaar
Dhainehaar Sadh Jeevanehaaraa
Man Moorakh Kio Thaahi Bisaaraa
Dhos Nehee Kaahoo Ko Meethaa
Maaeiaa Moh Bandhh Prabh Keethaa
Dharadh Nivaarehi Jaa Kae Aapae
Naanak Thae Thae Guramukh Dhhraapae

The One Lord is the Great Giver; He is the Giver to all.
There is no limit to His Giving. His countless warehouses are filled to overflowing.
The Great Giver is alive forever.
O foolish mind, why have you forgotten Him?
No one is at fault, my friend.
God created the bondage of emotional attachment to Maya.
He Himself removes the pains of the Gurmukh;
O Nanak, he is fulfilled. (ang 257)


Photo credit:Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo

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