I am so grateful that I have got the opportunity to attend many Sikh camps here in Norway. I have learned a lot from them. I am going to share with you three things I do before getting to sleep which I have learned by attending camps.

Before going to sleep I reflect upon three things:

1. How much positive/useful time did I use on myself and others.
In Sikhi we have the concept of dasvand – to give away 1/10 of the day to others – it could be time, money, help etc. In one day we have 24 hours – that means (at least) 2.4 hours a day should be your dasvand – time devoted to others or indirectly to others by using time to become a better person. If I have used less than 2.4 hours, my day went in minus. If I have used 2.4 hours, my day was neutral. But if I have used more than 2.4 hours, my day went in plus. This exercise makes me more aware of how useful the day was.

2. Have I been the lotus flower in the mud?

Like the lotus flower which is unaffected by the mud (it flourishes in the muddy water), have I been flourishing in the challenges this day brought? Or did I become dirty – got nervous, reacted with anger, got jealous etc? This exercise makes me more aware of my way of tackling challenges and what consequences it had.

3. What am I grateful for?

Before listening to shabad and getting to sleep, this is the last thing I do. I remember every single thing that happened during the day that I am grateful for. This makes me more aware of how we complain the whole day, when there are a lot of things to be grateful for. Why we never tell others what we are grateful for, just what’s not right/good that day.

Maybe this is of any help for you? It helps me a lot :)

Now I have to say good night and use my time to reflect on these things. Are you going to do the same?

Harveen Kaur

Harveen Kaur

I am a psychologist and I am in love with the work, both developing myself and serving my clients

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