PRESS RELEASE: August 17, 2008

Organisation: Sikhcess/Sikh Sabha of New Jersey
Contact: Sikhcess of New Jersey
Email: [email protected]
Country: United States


Lawrenceville, NJ – One of the basic principles of seva was introduced to us by Guru Nanak Dev ji.

ivic dunIAw syv kmweIAY   ]
vich dhuneeaa saev kumaaeeai
In the midst of this world, do seva,

qw drgh bYsxu pweIAY ]
thaa dhurugeh baisun paaeeai
and you shall be given a place of honor in the Court of the Lord.

khu nwnk bwh lufweIAY ]4]33]
kuhu naanuk baah luddaaeeai
Says Nanak, swing your arms in joy! ||4||33||

The saying 'A hero is what a hero does' exemplifies our deepest gratitude to all those that participated in Lawrenceville Gurdwara’s 1st Blood Drive and the pilot ‘Gift Of Life‘ campaign for Sikhcess.

Not only was the response overwhelming, but more than just sheer numbers, the courage, enthusiasm, support of all was something to behold. From the septuagenarians who led the way for all to tread to the toddlers who didn't really understand what "blood drive" meant but, were eager participants and willing partners in sharing their parent's time for such a noble cause. They were, of course, rewarded with the Red Cross sticker standard "Be Nice To Me! I Gave Blood Today!" which they proudly displayed for all to see.

We had in excess of 40 volunteers who stepped forward - a great number considering the 2 week marketing timeframe and other summer month factors. Most donors spared their time by adjusting their busy schedules and some came from other Gurdwaras for this cause. The stringent rules/regulations, which we fully understand are required, reduced the numbers but, we still managed to collect nearly 25 positive donations - which means close to 75 people possibly getting a second lease on life!

We would like to thank Waheguru for instilling in everyone a sense of purpose to rise to such a wonderful seva opportunity. This drive definitely would not have been possible without the support, guidance and blessings of the Red Cross, the Board of Directors, all the committee members, elders, administrators and dangat of Sikh Sabha and to Sikhcess who provided the nationwide reason.

Hopefully, the number of potential donors will only increase in future drives. Due to Lawrenceville's sangat pioneering the way, our next nationwide Sikhcess: Gift of Life campaign will be held at Bridgewater Gurdwara on November 16th and then again at Deptford Gurdwara on December 14th. Please let us know if you are interested.

Now, a special thanks to all the youth.....Too many to list by individual names. You guys not only motivated those who donated blood but, were a source of encouragement, inspiration and last but, not least, entertainment for us all with your antics. They made it so much harder for donors to say no or come up with an excuse because of their sweet angelic smile and pure, benign presence.

In the end, we would like to say that even if one life could be saved due to Sikh Sabha's efforts - then the 'juice' was definitely worth the squeeze!!

To request further information, volunteer and/or schedule a blood donation for one of the upcoming drives, please send an email to [email protected]


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