Ancestral karma is important as we transition from the Piscean to Aquarian age, and the first thing we need to do is honor it. The Piscean age was a time of lots of tragedy and violence. We have habits that are ancestral survival mechanisms, like:

- Don't speak up (so you don't get burned at the stake). 

- Don't stand up to the powers that be (because the rulers will send the military in and kill you). 

Survival mechanisms have helped us to survive, but that problem is now in the Aquarian Age, there is only one thing is going to work: You have to be you. You have to align your mind with your soul, and vibrate your true self. Nothing less than that is going to work. 

You have to honor these patterns, but you can't manifest what you need to in the Aquarian age without doing the work to heal and shift these (generations old) survival patterns that are at the deepest levels of the subconscious.

We have tools to do this: Kundalini yoga, and white tantric yoga. But the most beautiful gift is the Shabad. The mantra "Guru Guru Waheguru Guru Ram Das Guru" will begin to rewrite your sense of being limited, so that you can know yourself as an unlimited being. But you have to go through the process of it. You have to allow yourself to fully feel what that karma was about. It's like you have a dirty cloth and clean water running from the faucet. Don't think that your cloth is clean. But when you put the cloth under the water, you start to see the dirt and you have to deal with it. When you go through your own internal dirtiness, you clean yourself, and then your karmas won't haunt you and hurt you the way it did before. 

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