Inviting Signs for Gurdwara - Examples

by Jasbir Singh, Architect

A progressive religion's Guru-dwara Signage to increase its popularity.

"A picture is worth thousand words", keeping that in mind, have a look at the following pictures.

Simple (69K)
Proposed: Simple, different and yet very effective

Design (767K)Design or use of signs and symbols is to communicate a message to a specific group, usually for the purpose of marketing or a kind of advocacy.

Signage design plays a major role in gaining recognition.

Proposed Changes in above picture are for an idea only (hypothetical) and limited to available space and existing size. Only for comparing and realizing that better options are available. For making final suggestions, location and size, shape and color could be put forward for each building.


GetRid (43K)
Creating beautiful signage to grab people's attention… it can be a rigorous task.

Khanda-Gurdwara (153K)
Above Sign serves no purpose. Khanda, word Gurdwara is only recognized and read by Sikhs,

SIKH SATSANGAT OF INDIANA.... Is this useful information to an outsider?

Rather than click LIKE for my design idea, would you please forward this to committee members of your Gurudwara so that you can be part of making the change. La poet Alfred Tennyson wrote: "The old order changeth yielding place to new". Change is inevitable, but could one make it happen quickly and in timely manner that depends on our initiative.

Suggested (74K)

For services to Gurudwara, anywhere, sign design series of changeable signs and for entrance and building renovation. Email me: [email protected] May 2017, I will be in Chicago area and could travel to Northern States & Canada. I also travel to NJ, GA and TX.

SuggestedSigns (65K)
Suggested Signs with in the existing frame work

The article below provides detailed information and has been liked by many, around the World.

KhandaDesign (19K)Making Gurdwaras Friendly To Outsiders

Words like Gurdwara, Singh Sabha, Dashmesh Darbar, Sikh Dharamsal and many using Sikh Temple after shoot outs and vandalism at many Gurdwaras mean nothing to an American, French Canadian, European etcetera.
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I suggest each Guru-dwara to have a well-spoken person available for explaining to visitors. In case of absence of a spoke person, at least visitor should be given a short inviting document that the person would feel impressed and remember to come back. You may like the document below for this purpose.

SikhWay (16K)Teacher of Humanity ~ Guru Nanak | SikhNet

Nov 12, 2014 ... Teacher of Humanity - Guru Nanak. Jasbir Singh Architect. Guru Nanak's Gifts to us: "Eak Onnkar" which means creator of all of us is one.
read more


To know about my concept of Guru-dwara, please read:

ArchConcept (13K)New Architectural Concept of A Dharamsal | SikhNet

May 1, 2014 ... by Jasbir Singh. New Architectural Concept of A Dharamsal.
What considerations should be given to the planning of a new 'Dharamsal' ...

Friendly Gurudwara for Outsiders-Examples

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