In the West, the media equates love with sexual desire. But love actually comes from the soul. Love is our natural state of being. 

You earned this human form through an act of devotion in a previous life. Having a body is a chance to experience love. You have 5 tattvas (elements) to experience love, but they all have shadows - lust, anger, greed, pride, and attachment. Lust poisons love. When we conquer these shadows, then love can live. That is why we do sadhana, and bow to the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Love is fullness.

We reincarnate because we got it wrong. The ones who get it right are the ones who learned to love. Every religion begins with someone who just knew how to love. The wound of love is when the poisons block us from experiencing the love that is the natural condition of the Spirit.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on Aug 18th 2014


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