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News: Current Happenings at Gurudwara Shaheed Ganj Lahore

The media has been lately inundated with the news of the threat by Sohail Butt Attari, of Lahore to close the Gurudwara Shaheed Ganj and open the mosque there. Here, an attempt has been made to understand the whole picture based on the media reports. 
BHupinder Singh, TX, USA

Bhupinder 'Bo' Singh

Writer on Spirituality and topics related to Sikhi.

News: Major Victory in #JusticeForLakhwant: Hate Crime Charges Added

“The decision to add a bias-motivated charge against Breemen is a resounding victory not just for Mr. Singh, but for minority communities who are threatened by bias and bigotry every day,” said Amrith Kaur, Sikh Coalition Legal Director. “Adding these charges sends a clear message: Hatred is not welcome in Jefferson County, and those who are targeted for being different know that this community will acknowledge it and stand with them in solidarity.”

News: Naureen Singh Joins US Air Force Following American Sikh Military Father

“Even though I had a completely different set of struggles than my dad, I recognize that because of him and his sacrifices, I was able to move and push forwards. I hope that as a leader, I can continue to do the same for others about the opportunities that exist in public service, even if they never considered it in their realm of possibility.”


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